Episode 35: Tricks for Slow Motion

Episode 35: Tricks for Slow Motion

Nick and Griffin share their tricks for shooting slow motion, and handling the edit. Plus, your questions about recording audio, filming wildlife, and avoiding flicker during time lapses.

Interviewing Ben Grunow in Grindelwald, Switzerland.

Interviewing Ben Grunow in Grindelwald, Switzerland.

Close audio always sounds best, so when I lock down an interview shot on a tripod, I don’t mind placing myself and the microphone blatantly in the shot. All I need is one clean backplate to mask over the video.

If you’d like to help Puerto Ricans recover from Hurricane Maria’s devastation, donate at UnitedForPuertoRico.com.
For other ways to help, check out this PBS article.

Watch my latest short film about lifestyle photographer Jennifer Maring.

Griffin Hammond